Sunday Reads: 16th December 2012
With Bill Murray, Just Take the Trip An interview at The New York Times with the great Bill Murray.
Playboy Interview with Quentin Tarantino. Last month was the one month when film fans could legitimately argue that they bought Playboy for the articles. I certainly did. This interview was one of the reasons.
Q: What do Skyfall, The Dark Knight Rises and a hamburger have in common? A: See below Charlie Brooker on two of this year’s biggest films.
Miike on process, violence and Tarantino An interesting but brief interview with Takashi Miike.
BBFC is to adjust sexual and sadistic violence policy to take into account key areas of public concern This is essential reading for anyone who cares about what the BBFC is doing to films in the UK. I will attempt to put together a large piece on this report but in the meantime take a look at it here.
Louis C.K. – The Proust Questionnaire
The day I saw 248 girls suffering genital mutilation One of the most depressing articles I have ever read. Truly shocking.
Translating Jodorowsky’s Thoughts on “The Hobbit” Moisés Chiullan translates some recent Tweets from Jodorowsky.
Zero Dark Thirty: new torture-glorifying film wins raves Glenn Greenwald talks about the reaction to Zero Dark Thirty and the film’s depiction of torture and causes a significant brouhaha in the critical world. In part because when writing this piece he hadn’t actually seen the film.
Zero Dark Thirty: CIA hagiography, pernicious propaganda Greenwald returns to the issue of torture, having now actually seen the film.
Zero Dark Thirty’s Morality Brigade Tom Carson takes Greenwald to task over these two pieces.
And finally, a video montage of 2012 in film.