Japrocksampler Spotify Playlist
Published in 2007, Julian Cope’s Japrocksampler is a book that I was greatly looking forward to reading when it first came out and it certainly didn’t disappoint.
Aside from opening my eyes to a bunch of great bands and providing a fascinating account of music scenes I had hitherto only had passing knowledge of, Japrocksampler was also a real page-turner thanks to Cope’s unique writing style. My copy is well-thumbed and I can definitely recommend you check it out if you have not done so already (Amazon Links at the foot of the post).
One annoying thing when I first read the book was that my desire to immediately rush out and listen to every track Cope recommends was hampered somewhat by availability. I recently noticed though that quite a few of the bands mentioned are now on Spotify. I therefore put together a playlist and you can find it embedded below (or via this link). The playlist features all the albums included in Cope’s Japrocksampler Top 50 list that are currently available on Spotify. Enjoy…