Buy Damsels in Distress and Do the Sambola!

Damsels in Distress in out today on DVD in the UK and I can highly recommend picking yourself up a copy. I first saw the film when it played as the surprise screening at the London Film Festival and I fell head over heels for it, practically skipping out of the cinema and down the street. The film is something of an acquired taste but if it … Read more

Charles Bukowski 1920-1994

One of America’s greatest writers. Born 92 years ago today. so you want to be a writer by Charles Bukowski if it doesn’t come bursting out of you in spite of everything, don’t do it. unless it comes unasked out of your heart and your mind and your mouth and your gut, don’t do it. … Read more

Ten of the Greatest Films Ever Made

I could have added ‘…according to me’ to that rather vague headline. At the bottom of this post is a list of what I consider to be ten of the greatest films ever made. The list is (obviously) by no means definitive and roughly ten seconds after I sent the list to friend and colleague Adam Lowes … Read more

Sunday Reads: 5th August 2012

The Man Who Hacked Hollywood The surprisingly fascinating account of the story behind the hacked email accounts of a large number of celebrities. A letter from Tim League on the idea of “texting friendly” movie theaters Texting in movie theatres is wrong. Just wrong. This should be obvious, but if you need further convincing Tim League (of Drafthouse fame) offers an … Read more