Sunday Reads: 30th December 2012

Marilyn, The Master and Melancholia Kim Morgan ties together three subjects that might at first seem very different. Made in America Todd VanDerWerff on the final episode of The Sopranos. ‘Unfilmable’ stories like Life of Pi can make perfect cinema Tim Robey on adaptations of supposedly unfilmable books. Awards and Advocacy. How Should We Choose “The Best”? Nathaniel Rogers on … Read more

Top Ten Films of 2012

1. Margaret (extended cut) I queued up outside the Odeon on Panton Street for the UK ‘première’ of Kenneth Lonergan’s Margaret in 2011 and as this beautiful but scarred film unfolded in front of me I slowly fell head of heels for it. If you followed me on Twitter towards the end of 2011 you may have become somewhat bored with the name … Read more

Sunday Reads: 16th December 2012

With Bill Murray, Just Take the Trip An interview at The New York Times with the great Bill Murray. Playboy Interview with Quentin Tarantino.  Last month was the one month when film fans could legitimately argue that they bought Playboy for the articles. I certainly did. This interview was one of the reasons. Q: What do Skyfall, The … Read more

Sunday Reads: 9th December 2012

Interview: Parker Posey A recent interview with “Queen of the Indies” Parker Posey. Just how inaccurate were the hacking scenes in Skyfall? Spoiler: Very. How Should Critics Review Child Actors? An interesting point well made by Matt Singer. This is certainly something that I think about when writing a review, but I think it’s important to also remember … Read more